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Solvent Dyes

Ruhi Chemical international is one of the leading supplier, and exporters of Basic Dyes. Ruhi Chemical international offers Basic Dyes well known for using superior purity chemicals from trusted vendors to meet International Industry standards. Ruhi Chemical international is one of the leading Basic Dyes exporters and suppliers of high grade and superior quality chemical products in India to an industry-wide customer base.

Solvent Dyes Supplier

Solvent dyes are soluble in organic solvents and are regularly used as a solution for organic solvents. Solvent dyes particularly come in red, blue, yellow, and green colours. Red and yellow solvent dyes are generally azo dyes, whereas the green and blue solvent dyes generally belong to anthraquinone dyes.

Properties of Solvent Dyes

Solvent Dyes are little polar or bipolar in nature and insoluble in water. They form a colloidal solution and do not undergo ionization. Solvent Dyes are soluble in nonpolar solutions including in aromatic hydrocarbons, fats, alcohols, waxes, oils, etc. Solvent dyes enhance colour with good consistency and have almost better lightfastness than other dyes and quality with their solid capacity of dissolving in organic solvents due to granular redisposition.

Applications of Solvent Dyes

Solvent dyes are extensively used for printing for marking inks, inkjet inks, gold imitation of metalized polyester films, and glass coloration. Used in the pyrotechnics industry for signalling smoke, and in the media industry for magazines and newspapers. Solvent dyes are used to produce stains that identify with numerous cell structure components. Solvent dyes are extensively used in the Plastic Industry, Medical Research / Diagnostics used for nylon, polyester, PMMA, PETP, colour acetates, acrylics, PVC, polystyrene, and styrene monomers. Solvent dyes are extensively used for Fibers, Filaments, Wood Stains, Metalized Polyester Films, Food Industry, Hydrocarbon Fuels, and Waxes.